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Adaptive Digital Signal Processor

From Menta


Menta's Adaptive Digital Signal Processor (DSP) IP offers a sophisticated solution tailored for deployment within an embedded FPGA architecture. This DSP IP stands out due to its automatic inference capabilities, facilitated through the Origami tool suite, which allows customization of the DSP architecture to meet specific hardware requirements. The intrinsic flexibility of this DSP makes it well-suited for a wide variety of signal processing tasks.

A core characteristic of the Adaptive DSP is its reconfigurability, allowing it to dynamically alter its operating modes through programmed bitstreams. This capability ensures that the DSP can adapt its functionality on-the-fly, in sync with varying computational requirements. The reconfiguration is so granular that it can be controlled on a per-clock cycle basis, providing unparalleled adaptability in signal processing applications.

Through the adaptive DSP offerings, users can precisely control operand sizes for both multipliers and ALUs, facilitating optimization based on power, performance, and area constraints. Menta also offers a patented DSP FIR engine that enables users to generate optimized FIR RTL code, with tunable parameters ranging from 4 to 512 taps. This level of customization helps meet specific frequency, area, and latency goals, catering to both high-performance and cost-sensitive applications.

  • Reconfigurable DSP Block
  • On-the-Fly Adaptability
  • Optimized FIR Generation
Tech Specs
Category Processor > DSP Core
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
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