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All IPs > Wireline Communication > Error Correction/Detection > 8b/10 Decoder

8b/10 Decoder

From Roa Logic BV


The 8b/10 Decoder offers full implementation of the Widmer and Franaszek scheme, ensuring reliable data decoding and synchronization. It can identify special character delimiters and detect specific K28.5 characters, essential for maintaining data integrity in communication systems.

This IP is engineered for robust corrective capabilities in environments requiring meticulous error checking and correction. Offering seamless compatibility with various data streams, it forms an integral part of systems demanding high reliability and precision.

With Roa Logic's decoder integrated, the prospects for achieving high-performance data communications in industry-standard frameworks broaden. The documentation supplied supports straightforward adoption and customization, aligning with the strategic design needs within RISC-V-based systems.

  • Detects special commas
  • K28.5 detection
  • Widmer and Franaszek scheme
Tech Specs
Category Wireline Communication > Error Correction/Detection
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Data communication systems
  • Error correction
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