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All IPs > Wireless Communication > 802.11 > 802.11 LDPC

802.11 LDPC

From Wasiela


The 802.11 LDPC IP core delivers a high throughput solution tailored for wireless communication systems. With its capability to allow on-the-fly configuration from frame to frame, this IP offers unparalleled flexibility. The configurable number of LDPC decoding iterations provides an ideal balance between throughput and error correction performance, ensuring reliable and efficient data transmission. The design meets rigorous throughput requirements and demonstrates exemplary bit and packet error rate performances. As an essential component in wireless communication technologies, this product is designed to seamlessly integrate into diverse systems, boosting overall efficiency and reliability.

  • High throughput design
  • Frame-to-frame on-the-fly configuration
  • Configurable LDPC decoding iterations
Tech Specs
Category Wireless Communication > 802.11
Availability All Countries & Regions
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