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All IPs > Multimedia > JPEG > 8/10/12-bit Baseline and Extended JPEG IP Cores

8/10/12-bit Baseline and Extended JPEG IP Cores

From Alma Technologies


Alma Technologies offers a series of FPGA and ASIC solutions for JPEG encoding and decoding, addressing applications needing robust image quality at varied compression ratios and silicon footprints. Their JPEG cores include the Baseline 8-bit and Extended 10/12-bit versions, widely used in digital imaging and consumer electronics, where quality retention and data size management are crucial. These cores are designed for efficient silicon usage while providing high throughput, with integrated video rate control for applications like broadcast and media storage. The flexibility in configuration accommodates a range of processing demands, seamlessly integrating into existing systems without the necessity of additional CPU or GPU resources.

Tech Specs
Category Multimedia > JPEG
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
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