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All IPs > Wireline Communication > Error Correction/Detection > 4G multi-mode CTC decoder

4G multi-mode CTC decoder

From TurboConcept


This IP core provides essential decoding functionality for 4G communication systems, employing Convolutional Turbo Code (CTC) techniques to facilitate robust error correction. Ideal for platforms transitioning from 4G to 5G, it supports multistandard compatibility, ensuring seamless integration into hybrid networks. TurboConcept's CTC decoder delivers efficiencies critical to sustaining high-speed data services amidst varying network conditions. The core is particularly beneficial for enhancing 4G network reliability, providing a cornerstone for telecommunications devices relying on dependable data exchange.

  • Multistandard compatibility
  • High-speed data support
Tech Specs
Category Wireline Communication > Error Correction/Detection
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • 4G and 5G transition
  • Telecommunication devices
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