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All IPs > Analog & Mixed Signal > D/A Converter > 16mA 4V Voltage Regulator

16mA 4V Voltage Regulator

From TES Electronic Solutions


The 16mA 4V Voltage Regulator is a reliable analog IP designed to provide a stable voltage supply for integrated circuits. Capable of delivering up to 16mA, it operates with a single 5V supply voltage. The regulator ensures precise output through a 2.5V reference voltage and features silicon-proven technology in XFAB's XT018 process. It is adaptable for other technologies on request, making it versatile for various high-fidelity analog applications, including precision instruments and control systems.

  • Stable voltage supply
  • Single 5V operation
  • Silicon-proven technology
Tech Specs
Category Analog & Mixed Signal > D/A Converter
Foundry X-Fab
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Precision instruments
  • Control systems
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