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All IPs > Wireline Communication > Ethernet > 10G TCP Offload Engine + MAC + PCIe + Host IF Ultra-Low Latency

10G TCP Offload Engine + MAC + PCIe + Host IF Ultra-Low Latency

From Intilop


The 10G TCP Offload Engine is engineered to enhance network performance by offloading TCP processing directly onto hardware. This integration includes a MAC layer and PCIe interface, ensuring ultra-low latency communication across network environments. This technology is critical in scenarios where performance and speed are paramount, such as in data centers and high-performance computing networks. By minimizing CPU dependency, it allows servers to utilize their resources more effectively.

This engine supports intricate operations like connection setup and full-state offload, which drastically reduces the overhead typically managed by software stacks. Moreover, it can manage multiple high-speed sessions, ensuring that latency is kept close to negligible levels. It represents a vital component for systems aiming to achieve maximum throughput without compromising on speed or efficiency.

The offered performance benefits are complemented by ease of integration, with support for popular FPGA platforms. This makes it an ideal candidate for network architects seeking to implement high-speed, low-latency solutions in their networking systems, optimizing not only performance but also the total cost of ownership.

  • Ultra-Low Latency
Tech Specs
Category Wireline Communication > Ethernet
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Data centers
  • High-performance computing networks
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