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10G Ethernet MAC and PCS

From Chevin Technology


The 10G Ethernet MAC and PCS IP core is a high-performance solution designed to meet the needs of modern networking systems. This core is compliant with IEEE 802.3 standards, ensuring seamless integration and interoperability in a wide range of applications. It features a robust architecture that supports full-duplex communication with low-latency and high-reliability communication paths.

This IP core is optimized for use in both FPGA and ASIC implementations, providing flexibility to designers across various platforms. It incorporates advanced error-checking mechanisms and supports multiple data rates, making it suitable for applications that demand high bandwidth and low power consumption. The core's modular design allows for easy customization and scalability, catering to varied project requirements.

In addition to its technical features, the 10G Ethernet MAC and PCS core offers comprehensive support tools and documentation, facilitating rapid deployment and integration. It's an ideal choice for systems aiming to achieve high-speed data transmission while maintaining energy efficiency and reliability, making it especially useful in telecommunications and data center environments.

  • IEEE 802.3 compliant
  • support for full-duplex communication
  • low latency
Tech Specs
Category Wireline Communication > Ethernet
Foundry TSMC
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • networking systems
  • data centers
  • telecommunications
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