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The simplest way to find and evaluate IP

Silicon Hub works with the top IP vendors to make your design process faster, simpler and easier. Read more

At Silicon Hub we know that finding the perfect semiconductor IP for your latest project is so important, but also a lot of hard work - and we believe that much of that hard work is unneccessary and inefficient.

We have worked hard to build the ultimate semiconductor IP marketplace, where vendors can list their IP along with everything you need to evaluate it - datasheets, technical specifications and an evaluation version of the IP itself, all ready for download.

Even better, the legal processes are all completely automated - you can sign the vendor's NDA in one click on Silicon Hub before you download the IP, so no more waiting for the sales team at that semiconductor IP vendor to get back to you before you can start testing!

A Silicon Hub buyer account is completely free, and you can keep track of the semiconductor IP you're evaluating, share private notes with colleagues, and post reviews of the IP to help other buyers who may be looking to evaluate it themselves too.

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